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euro 1.000.000
Property size icon Property size: 313 (villa) +34 (cucina indipendente) +67 magazzinomq
Property structure icon Structure: 5 Bedrooms
Property accommodation icon Accommodation: Villa
Property heating icon Heating: metano, legna

Poggio Catino CC234VV Fabulous villa with every comfort

Property ID: CC234VV
Property bedroom icon Bedrooms: 5
Property bathroom icon Bathrooms: 4
Property size icon Property size: 313 (villa) +34 (cucina indipendente) +67 magazzinomq
Property floor icon Floor: T+1
Property total floors icon Total floors: 2
Property year built icon Year Built: 1993
Property heating icon Heating: metano, legna
Property accommodation icon Accommodation: Villa
Property ceiling height icon Ceiling height:
Property parking icon Parking: ampio parcheggio privato
Property distance from center icon From center: 4
Property publication date Publication date:
Property area size icon Area size: 14000 circamq
Property garages icon Garages:
Property garages size icon Garages size: mq
Property additional space icon Additional space:
Full Address: 7MRC+JH, 02040 Poggio Catino RI, Italia
Simple Address:
ZIP Code:
Country: IT

60 km from Rome, in the countryside of Poggio Catino, w e offer for sale a prestigious villa with courtyard with various terraces and gardens, land of about 1.1 ha. with tennis court, liberty greenhouse, kitchen building with oven and large parking area.

The villa on two floors connected by an internal staircase, offers on the ground floor a living room with fireplace formerly used for storing wine barrels, a second living room with kitchen and porch in front, two bedrooms, one with ensuite bathroom and a second bathroom.

On the first floor there are three bedrooms, one with fireplace, access to the balcony and ensuite bathroom, a second bathroom, a living room with kitchen and two panoramic balconies.

The villa has two entrances.

Near the villa we find, inserted in the gardens with various fruit trees, a house used as a welcoming kitchen for small circles of family and friends where you can cook and eat in a convivial environment both inside and outside. Adjacent to the kitchen area there is a wood-fired oven where you can prepare pizzas and bread.

The property is completed by various terraces with ornamental plants, a wonderful Art Nouveau greenhouse, a tennis court with changing room, a lawn of about 585 square meters that can be used as a parking lot, a warehouse of 67 square meters and an olive grove producing extra virgin olive oil DOP with a water source.

The construction of the Villa dates back to 1993. The property has two entrances and is extremely well-kept in every detail both internally and externally.

It possibile to purchase this property together with the real estate listed at

Reference CC234V

Poggio Catino CC234V Resort di prestigio

and CC234A

Poggio Catino CC 234A Country house arab style in olive grove

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